rope training

Revitalize Performance

High level athlete looking to support performance? Gym go-er looking to improve muscle recovery? Look no further! Benefit from the perfect blend of amino acids, vitamins, and trace minerals formulated to support athletic performance, reduce recovery time, and boost overall wellness.


infused iv bag

Feeling and looking good has never been easier.

You’re just 3 steps away! We’ll just need some information to get you booked and ready to receive treatment. Our medical director will review your selection and health questionnaire to be certain you have no contraindications. If all checks out, one of our staff will meet you at your desired location to administer your drip. Remember, there are absolutely no travel fees ever!

What’s in it?

  • Saline solution – the component of our drips to which vitamins and antioxidants are compounded with to create our drips.  Saline is a mixture of sodium chloride (salt) and water.  On its own, used in medical treatment for rehydration.

  • Helps to throw fatty acids into the “metabolic furnace” which helps the body burn fat rather than store it. Owing to its fat-oxidizing effects, L-carnitine is used for weight reduction and often referred to as a “fat burner.”

  • An amino acid used in the synthesis of proteins as a result used as a fitness supplement to promote muscle gain and burn fat. It’s the main fuel source for your body’s lymphocytes (white blood cells) which help fight off infection and disease. Assistance with the integrity of healthy intestinal mucosa leading to improved digestion.

  • Water soluble salt used for its rejuvenative properties in muscle recovery.  Magnesium is used to conduct electrical impulses for contraction of muscles and as such used up during strenuous exercise.  Replenishment of magnesium via MgCl in our revitalize performance drip helps with prevention of muscle cramping/spasming, reduction of inflammation, and reducing soreness.

  • Vitamin often found in citrus as well as other fruits and vegetables. Assists in formation of collagen and often used as an ingredient to treat dark spots & wrinkles. Other functions include support of the immune system and antioxidant effects.

  • Water soluble complex combination of multiple B vitamins including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), and B12 (cobalamin).  Each vitamin is a distinct compound with different properties and uses but when combined together are known as B-complex.

  • A combination of zinc, cooper, manganese, and selenium. Provided in very low amounts also known as “trace amounts.” They play a role as catalysts to engage in oxidation and reduction reactions key to metabolism in our bodies.

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